A Residential Community in Bend Oregon
Welcome To The Starwood Neighborhood
Starwood Neighborhood is located in Bend, Oregon, and was established in the early 1980s. Our neighborhood boasts scenic views of the Cascade Mountains with many amenities.
Starwood: A residential community in Bend Oregon
Starwood Homeowners Association is a residential community managed by a homeowners association. We have various controlling documents that guide us as we build homes, make improvements and live together in this community: Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions (CC&Rs), Architectural Rules, and Bylaws of the Association.

Starwood is a neighborhood community in Central Oregon
Starwood is a special place to live. We all enjoy the manicured community in the midst of the countryside, a brilliant night sky, cordial neighbors and open common areas. As homeowners, we own not only our own property, but also own equal shares of the entire common area. Some of the amenities that we enjoy are walking trails, park and playground, basketball court, picnic area, dog park (Dogwood), common area lawns, RV storage area, and a yard debris disposal site.